Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Hairspray Hypothesis

Sometimes life is messy.

Sometimes it's scary.

Sometimes it's tough to realize that you really do have to do your own laundry

And it just isn't healthy to live on frozen chicken nuggets for a month.

Sometimes you don't know how you're going to pay for this week's groceries

Or where you're going to find the time to brush your teeth.

But it's times like these that make you appreciate the little things...

Like hairspray.

You probably think I'm crazy.

It wouldn't be the first time someone has.

But if you think about it, I have a point.

When everything seems to go wrong and life spins much too fast,

You can always rely on hairspray.

Still not making sense?

Look at it like this:

Everyone has problems, but not everyone has to know about them.

The inner storms do not have to be displayed on your person like an ugly T-shirt.

When challenges arise, it's easy to throw on an old sweatshirt,

Hide your face, and act like you really just don't care.

But that is a lie, because you do.

True strength comes from getting up out of bed,

Squeezing into those tight jeans that make your butt look tight enough to bounce a quarter off it,

And working a hairstyle that just reeks of confidence and Tresemme.

Here's where the hairspray comes in.

There are few more satisfactory feelings than executing a really great 'do.

You lurk around Pinterest and finally find the one that you just can't wait to experiment with.

Finally, you manage the masterpiece.

Then, to ensure that your hard work is kept intact, 

You coat it with a few strong gusts of aerosol magic

Because you trust that the glossy words on the canister won't lie to you like the guy from Friday night.

They promise humidity resistance, an anti-frizz hold, and a fabulous style all day long. 

They promise safety.

They swear to you that no matter what garbage you have to go through that day,

You can be assured that your tresses will be sleek and sexy.

And they will never give away your secret struggles.

To the world, you will be doing just fine.

Is it a lie?


But if you wear that lie with pride,

It will soon cease to be false.

And things might not be perfect,

But you can make it through another day

Because you know that at least one aspect of your life is under mega-firm control.

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